Enneagram Type ONE and Travel
If you are new to the Enneagram and are interested in discovering what this typing system is all about and specifically what type you are, visit our Enneagram Types of Vacation intro post. It is an overview of the Enneagram and how to find your type.

- Enneagram Type ONE and Travel
- People don’t fit in boxes
- Who is Enneagram type ONE?
- Type ONE strengths
- Type ONE struggles
- Leveraging type ONE strengths and struggles in travel
- Type ONE and vacation
- Traveling relationally for type ONE
- Type ONE and traveling the world
- Here’s what a few type ONES said…
- More resources
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People don’t fit in boxes
One of the major arguments against personality typing systems is that people are so multi-faceted; how can a personality type define all of an individual’s subtleties?
We have been amazed at how extensive the Enneagram is. While you can dabble and learn a great deal of helpful information, you can also deep dive and still not touch the bottom.
We would never want to put anyone in a box or say that we understand another human being because we will never experience how another brain works. However, we’ve found the Enneagram to be extremely helpful in articulating how we’re motivated in this world and learning how to relate to each other as we travel together.
“Ones are affable people so long as they don’t take themselves too seriously. The way out of their predicament always consists in relativizing themselves and thus freeing themselves from their false self. The greatest freedom of Ones lies in being able to laugh at themselves because they see that their own perceptions are only part of the total picture.”
The Enneagram a Christian Perspective
Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert
Who is Enneagram type ONE?
“…Ones have a sense of mission that leads them to want to improve the world in various ways, using whatever degree of influence they have. They strive to overcome adversity – particularly moral adversity – so that the human spirit can shine through and make a difference. They strive after higher values, even at the cost of great personal sacrifice.”
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
Humans are complex and multi-dimensional. This is a snapshot description of type ONES. To better understand ONES, use our Favorite Enneagram Resources to Help You Learn the Enneagram to learn more about this and the other types.

Enneagram type ONE is often called…
The Reformer. The Teacher. The Activist. The Crusader. The Moralist. The Perfectionist.
Basic fear
Fear of being “bad,” defective, evil, or corrupt
Basic desire
To be good, virtuous, in balance, to have integrity
Key characteristics
Rational, principled, self-controlled
Deadly sin or passion
Also described as resentment.
This is repressed anger or resentment that is often held inside. It makes the ONE constantly dissatisfied and frustrated with the world and themselves.
Type ONE strengths
ONES have a high sense of integrity. Not only do they highly esteem being truthful, but they also apply this to how they live and act. They live with integrity. Following through with what they say they’ll do and maintaining the principles they have set for themselves are fundamental to ONES.
Healthy ONES are very mindful that other people are treated fairly.
They [ONES] can put aside their personal comfort and agenda for something that is the long-range good for everyone involved.
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
Because of this ability to be aware of others’ needs, justice, and doing what is right, ONES are great to have on your traveling team. They step up, take responsibility when things go wrong, and do it well.
When a ONE is healthy and can tap into their connection with type SEVEN, they have a fantastic ability to pair their responsibility-owning, generally serious attitude with the SEVEN’s joy, curiosity, and enthusiasm. This is primarily available when traveling or on vacation as the ONE settles into relaxing and letting go of some of their significant responsibilities.
Type ONE struggles
ONES can tend towards an unachievable perfectionism that causes a debilitating amount of self-criticism. This can come across as strict, critical, or unbending to others.
ONES want everything to be optimal all the time. A ONE will have expectations of how things should happen or what needs to be done and in what order.
Leveraging type ONE strengths and struggles in travel
Awareness of our strengths and struggles is often half the battle to address them. When we know what we’re good at and weak in, it’s easier to work in a team, seek help, or leverage what we know about ourselves to improve our circumstances.
ONES make great travel companions. They will make sure the vacation experience is high quality and meets expectations. Their sense of responsibility prompts them to pitch in with travel-related tasks, carrying their share of the workload of every trip. ONES, when relaxed, exhibit the characteristics of the SEVEN. This makes them fun and conscientious – both excellent qualities in a travel companion.
“The high-minded seriousness and sense of purpose of healthy Ones become more compulsive if they feel they must constantly work to justify their existence. If this happens, healthy, balanced self-discipline deteriorates into grim determination, even workaholism, and it becomes increasingly difficult for Ones to take a break: relaxation or play must be constantly earned. They feel that there is little time for frivolity or lightness; even vacations can take on the aura of responsibility and of not frittering around too much (less time at the beach, more time in the museums.”), guilt forbids “idling” (“An idling mind is the Devil’s playground.”) and Ones feel that they are wasting time if they are not improving themselves and their environment in some ways.”
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
Enneagram type ONE strengths
Type ONES are fantastic at pursuing quality in travel. They will do the work to find the best experiences and pursue making those things happen.
The ONES in our lives are highly responsible, aware of doing things to the best possible outcome, and have a high integrity level.
A few ways we’ve seen these characteristics play out in a ONE’s travel endeavors is the focus they go about doing vacation and travel. Some are great at preparing for a trip – researching and planning out the details, while others are good at trusting their gut when they arrive and making great calculated decisions about what to do.
They also are very interested in making the most of their trip and doing the best things there are to do when traveling.
Enneagram type ONE struggles
The ONES drive for productivity and accomplishing goals, or the internal list of “shoulds,” can become a challenge and potentially overcome refreshment quality while traveling.
For some ONES, it is hard to let bad things go. One bad experience at a restaurant may ruin the memories of other good restaurant experiences. If something goes wrong and it’s their fault, they have a tough time not mentally dwelling on the circumstance and beating themselves up.
ONES have a critical voice that makes conversation in the ONE’s head. It constantly reminds the ONE how they screwed up, aren’t good enough, and could have done better.
Suzanne Stabile suggests that ONES should name this voice. Naming the voice helps separate the criticism from the truth, which is easy to blend for the ONE. Jody (dad) is a ONE. In doing some Enneagram work, he and Cheri named his critical voice Jasper.
Jasper isn’t allowed to go on vacation with them.

Type ONE and vacation
What does vacation mean for Enneagram type ONE?
ONES are highly responsible people. Finding rest for the ONE takes separation from everyday life and daily activities. This is why vacations are so valuable for this type. It allows them space to rest and slow down without constantly being aware of their responsibilities.
For some ONES, it is necessary to pull away from home entirely and go away to relax. Staycations may be a challenge for the ONE.
What is the ideal vacation for Enneagram type ONE?
Many of the ONES we talked to shared that they enjoy the new experiences of traveling and going on vacation. They enjoy experiencing a new culture, a new place, new foods, and new environments.
Something that broadens a ONE’s perspective of the world and allows them to explore new things and surroundings is of great value.

Traveling relationally for type ONE
It’s challenging when you get more than one personality in a room together. Add a few more personalities (aka a family) and then send them off on a trip somewhere unfamiliar and out of routine. You have a potentially messy situation on your hands.
Becoming emotionally aware of yourself will help you communicate your wants and needs to others and open them to the same.
One time I heard a speaker say, “expectations ruin relationships.” It’s very true in traveling that un-communicated expectations in travel can cause a lot of conflicts.
ONES traveling with others
True for everyone is the idea that others do not think the same way as you.
Unless you’ve talked through things, you won’t be on the same page as your travel buddies.
ONES want everything to be optimal all the time. Because ONES are driven to accomplish all their expectations during a trip, they can sometimes come across as bulldozing others – trying to fit in all the sites or using the trip’s resources on the best things.
Knowing that others may not share your expectations can help open up communication.
Being self-aware and realizing your expectations, allowing them to be flexible, will make traveling with others easier.
Traveling with a ONE
As we discussed earlier, ONES have some great strengths to bring to the table when in a relationship with others. Integrity, honesty, passion for justice, and a high level of responsibility are a few.
Emotionally healthy ONES will bring curiosity, joy, interest, and a pursuit of new experiences to their vacation and travel. They will work hard at achieving all the desired things to do and be highly aware of making the most of their time, resources, and effort.
When traveling with a ONE, realize they have many things in their head that you probably won’t be aware of. They have expectations of how things ought to be done or how they want things to happen. They have a firm idea of the best things to do on a trip or the best way to do a vacation.
These expectations can be frustrating if you don’t give your ONE space to communicate and discuss compromises.
If plans change or something goes wrong, it may take a while for the ONE to adjust to the new plan, as they have to work through a mental paradigm shift in their expectations. Being supportive and gentle in relating to them as this happens allows them space to do the internal processing to get back on track.

Type ONE and traveling the world
Skills for type ONES tool belt: Improve travel experiences
Skill 1: Transition into relaxing
When starting on a trip, take the time to transition from your responsible role to a more relaxed “vacation” role. This could mean tapping into the strengths of the SEVEN. Find a lighter, more carefree version of yourself.
Settling into not owning as much responsibility can take time. But it is possible. Take time to mentally shift from your desire to be responsible to a more relaxed mindset.
This is a sweet spot for ONES when traveling.
Also, leave the critical voice at home.
Skill 2: Give yourself a break
Have grace for yourself. Things can be slightly uncomfortable when going through the first steps of the transition from day-to-day things to vacation.
Routines will get skewed; food will be different, and expectations will change. Go into vacation mode by setting aside your expectations for yourself every other day of the year.
And no matter how much you cross your t’s and dot your i’s, something will go awry. Mistakes will be made, and balls will be dropped. It happens on every trip. Don’t waste your precious vacation hours beating yourself up.
Also, leave the critical voice at home.
Skill 3: Communicate expectations
Whether you believe it or not, there is no “right” way to travel. Each person will do it a little differently.
When traveling with others, it’s crucial to identify your expectations of the trip and then communicate that with everyone in your group. This will save you from inner resentment when things don’t turn out the way you think they should.
And did we mention?…leave the critical voice at home.

Here’s what a few type ONES said…
Interview #1: Taylor Griffin
What is your favorite part about traveling?
The chance to have new experiences. Getting outside of everyday life helps to relax.
What do you think vacation means to your number?
ONES have such a sense of responsibility that they feel they need to be “the adult” because they believe if they don’t, everything will fall apart.
Vacation is an opportunity to take time away from all this responsibility.
What is something you/ONES struggle with when traveling?
Feeling restless. I need to prepare to relax mentally. To choose which of my daily life rules I will maintain and put aside for the vacation. Sometimes I can’t successfully maintain my ideal habits because of new sleeping arrangements, the food available, or things I can’t foresee.
I also struggle with expectations. Mentally I create an idea of how we will do things on our trips- we will do these things this way. But it doesn’t always work out that way. If we aren’t taking advantage of what I think we should, I can get frustrated. Also, letting go of the need for things to be productive.
What is your biggest hurdle when preparing for a trip?
Planning and preparing for a trip is very hard. I can’t visualize what it is I’ll need or how to plan for a trip.
How do you go through the process of choosing where to travel?
Typically I start with the idea “this place would be great,” or seeing images of a place online gives inspiration.
I’m typically drawn to places with great ambiance, environment, and atmosphere.
How often would you travel if you didn’t have work or budget restraints/how often do you think your number would travel?
ONES like work, but we also like rest time. I think a good balance for me would be to go somewhere once a quarter.

Interview #2: Maddie Tesulov
What is your favorite part about traveling?
Getting to explore something different. Different cultures, things that look different.
What do you think vacation means to your number?
A time to have fun. Where nothing else is required of me.
What is something you/ONES struggle with when traveling?
I want to make the most of my time on vacation. To maximize my time and get as many things seen, done, and experienced as possible.
What is your biggest hurdle when preparing for a trip?
I get overwhelmed by all the things there are to do because I want to do it all and do the best things.
How do you go through the process of choosing where to travel?
Mostly doing research online.
How often would you travel if you didn’t have work or budget restraints/how often do you think your number would travel?
I would want to be balanced in how much I traveled—balanced and calculated.

Interview #3: Jody Bywater
What is your favorite part about traveling?
Getting away from daily responsibilities. As soon as I get in the car, drive away on a road trip, or get to the airport, I no longer have to be responsible for everything. The plans are made, and the itinerary has been planned out; I can enjoy and relax.
What do you think vacation means to your number?
A time to relax and enjoy being away from daily responsibilities.
What is something you/ONES struggle with when traveling?
Letting go of my expectations of others – from how I think a restaurant “should” be to how the family “should” act. I have to work on that.
What is your biggest hurdle when preparing for a trip?
Wanting to pack for all circumstances. All of the unknowns.
How do you go through the process of choosing where to travel?
I pretty much go along with where Cheri wants to go. Or we each add our ideas to the pot and create a trip around the things we each want to do.
How often would you travel if you didn’t have work or budget restraints/how often do you think your number would travel?
I like to work on my projects and be productive. I enjoy spending some of my vacation time during the year getting things done around the house – I enjoy it, so it’s like a vacation.
But I also enjoy traveling. So one long vacation each year – say 3 weeks and a few long weekends would be about right.
More resources
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile
Favorite Resources to Help You Learn the Enneagram
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Enneagram Type SIX on Vacation
Enneagram Type SEVEN on Vacation
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