What’s the Enneagram, and what are we talking about when we say type EIGHT? Check out our Enneagram Types on Vacation post and our Enneagram Resources page to learn what the Enneagram is and why we think it’s helpful when applied to travel.
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People don’t fit in boxes
One of the major arguments against personality typing systems I have heard is that people are so multi-faceted; how can a personality type define all of the subtleties of an individual?
We have been amazed at how extensive the Enneagram is. While you can dabble and learn a great deal of helpful information, you can also deep dive and still not touch the bottom.
We would never want to put anyone in a box or say that we understand another human being because we will never experience how another brain works. However, we’ve found the Enneagram to be extremely helpful in articulating how we’re motivated and learning how to relate to each other as we travel together.
Who is type EIGHT
At their best, type EIGHTS make great family members, friends, and leaders.
They want nothing more than to protect and provide for their families. They’re supportive, inspiring, and fearless.
As friends, they’re loyal, big-hearted, and intuitive.
And every organization needs an EIGHT to get things done. With their resourceful, intelligence, and self-confidence, an EIGHT can be an asset to any venture.
They value collaboration and contribution and will be the biggest champion of others.
But, an EIGHT can push people away faster than the steam-roller they often are.
EIGHTS thrive on confrontation. They see the world in black and white. This innate sense of right and wrong, along with the feeling of joy they get from a good sparring match, can downright frighten the more conflict-averse types.
An EIGHT will quickly become impatient with people that are indecisive or waffling. They want it straight. And preferably now.
Unhealthy EIGHTS use aggression to protect themselves when they feel vulnerable or weak. They can be dominating, arrogant, reckless, and uncompromising.
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
Type EIGHT often called…
The Leader, The Protector, The Provider, The Rock
Basic fear
Being harmed, controlled, violated, weak, powerless, vulnerable.
Basic desire
To protect themselves, determine their own course, and protect their people.
Key characteristics
Assertive, self-confident, intense, powerful, decisive, honest, hard-driving.
Deadly sin or passion
Lust – desire for intensity, control, and power.
Type EIGHT strengths
EIGHTS have a vision. They are people of action.
An EIGHT will build, create, empower others, and influence the world for good.
Big, generous hearts, respect for others, honesty, and courage give an EIGHT an admirable character.
EIGHTS are entrepreneurs – if not by vocation – in spirit. They take chances and love challenges. They are the mavericks of the Enneagram.
On the outside, an EIGHT almost always appears confident, assertive, and magnanimous. And this is usually true.
Type EIGHT struggles
Except when it’s a false front.
EIGHTS, converse to their deepest desire, can be one of the most vulnerable types on the Enneagram.
They will go to great lengths to cover up (to them) this weakness.
An EIGHT will assume others are untrustworthy until they prove otherwise – especially regarding their inner world. They can even be paranoid and highly suspicious and seek revenge against those who wrong them.
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
An EIGHT can be a self-important creature. They want others to know how much trouble and effort they take to run the world (at least their world and your world). They want their influence felt.
They will keep pushing boundaries until someone reacts.
Leveraging type EIGHT strengths and struggles in travel
Awareness of our strengths and struggles is often half the battle to address them. When we know what we’re good at and weak in, it’s easier to work in a team, seek help, or leverage what we know about ourselves to improve our circumstances.
With more energy than any other Enneagram type, EIGHTS take on a vacation full-throttle with zest.
An EIGHT loves comradery.
This, and their practical, creative nature that gets things done, makes them ideal travel companions. A healthy EIGHT is a resourceful person with a can-do attitude. They will initiate activity, and you will return from your vacation exhausted but fulfilled.
An EIGHT is the most reckless and excessive type. They often don’t know when to stop. Vacations leave a lot of space for getting into physical jams – extreme sports, taking on a challenge their body isn’t ready for, or pushing too hard.
They will eat out, party, spend and even work with everyone else on the trip. Unlike the SEVEN, this is not for enjoyment – it merely adds to their drive to live an intense life.
Their deadly sin is lust, which acts as a need for intensity. Whether working, playing, or in relationships, an EIGHT feels alive when they’re in the thick of action and energy.
They tend to find intimacy through competition, challenge, and conflict. Of course, this tends to scare and push other types away.
They love to be in control and in charge. An EIGHT will assert themselves against any person or anything.
Type EIGHT and vacation
What does vacation mean for type EIGHT?
At their best, a type EIGHT vacation will allow them to care for their people or contribute significantly to a cause.
They want to feel. An EIGHTS vacation must make room for intense moments. Activities, food, interaction, and challenges can achieve this – and maintain the EIGHTS health and safety.
An EIGHT must be careful that they don’t overdo it on vacation. They may be able to bounce back, but their travel companions will be burned-out on both travel and the EIGHT.
What is the ideal vacation for type EIGHT?
Like type THREES, EIGHTS need to do things. Their vacation must have plenty of action.
And like a type SEVEN, there better be plenty of variety and discoveries.
EIGHTS want to leave a mark. But on top of that, an EIGHT must feel that their vacation served a bigger purpose. That could be loving their families well, having deep and stirring political discussions with their college roommates, or making a change in the world.
Traveling relationally for type EIGHT
EIGHT traveling with others
EIGHTS are open-hearted, thoughtful, empathetic, and compassionate. All traits that make them good travel companions.
Remember to encourage your people. An EIGHT will need to dig deep and tap into their patience to get along with others on vacation. Think of putting others ahead of yourself as a tender act of caring for the ones you love – something EIGHTS do beautifully.
Remember, you don’t always have to be in charge, but you need to feel like you’re not being controlled. There’s a fine line between the two.
Traveling with an EIGHT
When traveling with an EIGHT, remember to be direct and get to the point. Hemming and hawing, being vague, and taking forever to tell a story will drive an EIGHT crazy to distraction.
Push back when an EIGHT seems to be trying to intimidate you, they get energy from a good brawl, and they will respect you for standing up for yourself. Nothing gives an EIGHT joy like good verbal sparring – call their bluff.
Above all, be loyal and back them up. Never, ever lie or try to manipulate an EIGHT. This taps into their deepest fear – losing control. Your relationship may never bounce back.
EIGHTS want to present themselves as strong, confident, tough, and independent so they won’t be harmed. But beneath their strong exterior and layers of armor is a very tender heart. It’s so tender that its exposure and harm feels like death to the Eight; therefore, they can’t allow this kind of betrayal to happen again.
Becoming Us
Beth McCord and Jeff McCord
Type EIGHT and traveling the world
Skills for type EIGHT tool belt: improve travel experiences
Skill 1: Try volunteer tourism
EIGHTS chase justice and fairness.
By nature, they protect those they love and champion anyone or any cause needing their courage and stamina to fight.
An EIGHT sees the world in terms of right and wrong, and they can’t help but defend the underdog.
They are energized when effecting change in their environment. That’s why a volunteer vacation – fighting for a cause – with their few weeks off can be a dream vacation for an EIGHT.
Lucky for us, Eights care deeply about justice and fairness. They are fierce advocates for widows, orphans, the poor, and the marginalized. They have no problem speaking truth to power, and they are perhaps the only number on the Enneagram who are brave enough to confront and take down the oppressors and dictators of the world.
The Road Back to You
Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
Skill 2: Seek Nature
Like all the aggressive stance types (3, 7, 8), EIGHTS will benefit from slowing down.
Spending time in nature will allow them to take a break, find quiet time, and recharge their senses.
It can be counter-intuitive for a hard-driving EIGHT to look for a peaceful, quiet travel experience.
That’s precisely why they need it- at least once in a while.
Skill 3: Take shotgun
No, not A shotgun.
Take the passenger seat. Let someone else drive the next vacation.
Allow someone that you trust to be in charge.
This is a tough, but growth-inducing challenge for an EIGHT. An EIGHT will learn that not being the leader is not the same as losing control or being weak. Yes, it might feel vulnerable and scary, but the trade-off will be worth the peace an EIGHT gains from pushing the boundaries of their comfort zone.
And EIGHTS love to push boundaries.
Here’s what a few type EIGHTS said…
Interview #1: Lynnette at Life Without a Roadmap
What is your favorite part about traveling?
My favorite part of traveling is the experience of discovering new places and cultures. I love to talk to locals and find out what their lives are like. We have met some amazing people over the years and have made lifelong friends in several countries.
What do you think vacation means to your number?
Letting go of the control and relaxing. Once I get to a destination, I can relax and let someone else be in charge. That’s my perfect vacation, where I’m not running the show or planning, just going with whatever happens.
What is something you/EIGHTS struggle with when traveling?
Patience! I have no patience or tolerance for disorganized people or those who are ill-prepared. If someone is traveling, especially abroad, they should prepare for the trip and have everything they need with them.
[I think EIGHTS struggle with] Letting go of control. It’s hard to just let things happen sometimes. As a bit of a control freak, we tend to want everything to go as planned, and when it doesn’t, we can get frustrated.
What is your biggest hurdle when preparing for a trip?
My husband! He is a laid-back person and doesn’t plan. I have lists for everything, and when he doesn’t have the same sense of urgency I have, it drives me nuts.
How do you go through the process of choosing where to travel?
As SCUBA divers, we tend to plan our travel around great diving destinations. I usually get my ideas from diving magazines or online, and then I do a lot of research into costs, where to stay, etc., before I commit to a destination.
How often would you travel if you didn’t have work or budget restraints/how often do you think your number would travel?
I would love to be able to take a 30-day vacation and just travel the Caribbean. Otherwise, I would travel at least 1 time per month.
[EIGHTS, in general,] 2 times per year. They can’t handle not being in charge or control more than that.
Interview #2: Joelle Choe – Instagram
What is your favorite part about traveling?
The trip itself – 8 out of 10.
Looking back – 7 out of 10.
Planning – 2 out of 10.
What do you think vacation means to your number?
Being able to relax and not think about work at all!
What is something you/EIGHTS struggle with when traveling?
Deciding what to do; missing out on certain events.
[I think EIGHTS struggle with] Deciding and with regret.
What is your biggest hurdle when preparing for a trip?
Time constraints.
How do you go through the process of choosing where to travel?
Blocking off the times/dates for travel and looking at the weather as a priority!
How often would you travel if you didn’t have work or budget restraints/how often do you think your number would travel?
Everyday! I don’t like being in one place all the time.
I think [EIGHTS would travel] a lot.
More resources
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile
Favorite Resources to Help You Learn the Enneagram
Enneagram Type One on Vacation
Enneagram Type TWO on Vacation
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Enneagram Type FOUR on Vacation
Enneagram Type FIVE on Vacation
Enneagram Type SIX on Vacation
Enneagram Type SEVEN on Vacation
Enneagram Type on NINE on Vacation